Cookie Policy

In order to perform certain key functionalities, cookies are used on our site. Users are free to choose whether to enable or disable cookies. Your personalized cookie settings are valid solely on the hardware and browser that you are currently using to access the site.

Analytical cookies
These cookies allow us to monitor visits to our site and to analyze how the site is used so as to be able to improve site performance.

1. Learn more about Cookies
This Cookie Management Policy (hereafter referred to as “The Policy) describes how cookies are used and managed on our website. PAREXGROUP hereby reserves the right to modify and/or add to the Policy at any given moment. Users are advised to regularly consult the Policy in order to keep up to date on the most recent changes made.

When visiting our website (hereafter referred to as “The Site”), and subject to your agreement, information pertaining to how you browse the Site using your computer or mobile device (hereafter referred to as your “Hardware”) may be recorded in a small text file known as a “cookie”.
Cookies help to ensure that our Site works properly, to improve your browsing experience and to provide us with key data relating to web audience measurement for as long as cookies are active or stored.

Cookies generated by the Site enable us to enhance your user experience, particularly in order to:

- memorize certain information, such as your agreement or refusal with regards to the use of cookies on our Site or your language preferences when browsing the Site;
- compile statistics pertaining to the frequency and duration of visits to the Site and the different Site components (e.g. specific sections and content viewed) thus enabling PAREXGROUP to ensure that the Site is as interesting and user-friendly as possible, thanks to a better understanding of visitors’ browsing behaviour and preferences. Google Analytics is an example of the use of cookies for such purposes.

You may at any moment adjust your browser settings so as to prevent cookies being systematically saved on your Hardware or according to the sites visited. The procedure for adjusting settings varies from one browser to the next; instructions are provided hereafter for the most commonly-used browsers:

Internet Explorer
1. In the drop-down menu, select “Internet Options”
2. Click on the “Privacy” tab.
3. Set your cookie preferences using the on-screen cursor. Click on the “Advanced” button to make manual adjustments to the advanced cookie settings
4. Save your preferences by clicking on “OK”

1. In the drop-down menu, click on “Options”.
2. Select the “Privacy” tab.
3. In the “History” section, next to “Firefox will…”, select “Use custom settings for history”.
4. A list of settings will then appear, allowing you to customize your preferences with regard to cookie usage and storage of cookies (e.g. refuse all cookies, accept site cookies but not 3rd party cookies, etc…).
5. Save your preferences by clicking on “Save Changes”

Google Chrome
1. In the drop-down menu, select “Settings” and then click on “Show advanced settings”.
2. In the “Privacy” section, click on “Content settings”.
3. Adjust your cookie preferences by selecting “Block third party cookies and site data”.
4. Save your preferences by clicking on “Finished”.

1. In the upper menu bar, click on “Safari” and then “Preferences”.
2. Select the “Privacy” icon.
3. Set your cookie preferences (e.g. “Block third-party sites”).
4. Save your preferences by clicking on “Done”.

If you refuse to allow Cookies to be stored on your Hardware or delete those that have been stored, you will no longer be able to enjoy the use of a number of functionalities that are required for browsing certain sections of the Site.

Data collected by our cookies is not used to identify you or to send you advertising content via e-mail or conventional mail.

The Company may change the terms of this Privacy Policy at any time. The current Privacy Policy shall be effective on the date of submission to the Data Holder by any means.

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